Completed Commission: Space Wolf Deathsworn

These fearsome Deathsworn provide a menacing elite unit for your 30k Space Wolves army! They are painted to a Tabletop Plus standard.

These were painted by our very own FLG Paint Studio. With a crisp paint job and beautiful custom basing, these are stand out models. Consider us for your next 30k commission.

And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!

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Completed Commission: Steel Legion Infantry Squads

We painted these Steel Legion Infantry Squads for a client. It’s really cool to see these alternate Astra Militarum regiments on the table! These have been painted to our Tabletop Standard and look great for a reasonable price.

Consider the FLG Paint Studio for your next 40k painting commission.

And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!
