Completed Commissions: Morathi – The Shadow Queen
Completed by the FLG Paint Studio.
Completed Commissions: Canis Rex
This tabletop plus commission was completed by the Flg Paint Studio.
Completed Commissions: Adeptus Titanicus
This tabletop plus commission was completed by the Flg Paint Studio.
Completed Commissions: Legio Custodes Caladius Grav-Tank
When you see a Grav-Tank, that means they’ve brought the big guns. Completed by the FLG Paint Studio.
Completed Commission: Eldar Vyper Jetbikes
Completed by the Flg Paint Studio. And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!
Completed Commission: Autrach and Eldar Characters
Completed Commission: Stormcast Eternals Character
Completed by the FLG Paint Studio.
Completed Commission: Warmachine Infernals pt.2
Completed Commission: Space Wolves
A Space Wolf commission from the FLG Paint Studio.
Ahriman, the Arch Sorcerer of Tzeentch
Completed by the Flg Paint Studio.
Completed Commission: Choas Lord and Marines
Choas Lord and Marines completed by the FLG Paint Studio.
Completed Commission: Primaris Space Marines Scythes of the Emperor Pt.2
This commission includes Agressors, a Hellblaster Squad, Primaris Captain in Gravis Armor, Primaris Lieutenant, Primaris Librarian, Primaris Chaplain, Reiver Squad, Redemtor Dreadnought, and an Invictor Tactical Warsuit among others.
Completed Commission: Primaris Space Marines Scythes of the Emperor Pt.1
This commission includes Agressors, a Hellblaster Squad, Primaris Captain in Gravis Armor, Primaris Lieutenant, Primaris Librarian, Primaris Chaplain, Reiver Squad, Redemtor Dreadnought, and an Invictor Tactical Warsuit among others.
Completed Commission: Void Raven Bomber
Void Raven Bomber completed by the Flg Paint Studio.
Completed Commission: Eldar Night Spinners
Two Eldar Night Spinners from the FLG Paint Studio.
Completed Commission: Death Korps of Krieg
Completed Commission: Scout Bikers
Completed Commission: Imperial Fist
A unit of Imperial Fist Primaris Intercessors, and Redemptor Dreadnought completed by the flg paint studio.
Completed Commission: Warmachine Infernals
A tabletop plus Warmachine Infernals commission by the FLG Paintstudio.